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Aircraft Hangar Events

Big turnout at recent hangar event
YOu can do an event for little or no cost

Aircraft Hangar Events

We’ve teamed up with our friends at Aviation Marketing Experts to offer an incredible service to do aircraft hangar events. They’ve been do aviation marketing  for 45 years.

Recently we setup events at a couple of private jet hangars. Over 300 people showed up and they wound up selling a couple of jet cards and even a fractional ownership. And the best part is the events were virtually free to put on. 

They recently wrote a story about how to do this (see story). The funny part about all this is that not many companies do this. They put events on for special occasions but how about a fun event that actually makes you money ?

It seems a lot of private jet charter companies rely on word of mouth marketing. That can work great but what happens when you want to get some new clients ?

Competition is fierce in the private aviation charter business. And if you’re a broker and think that doing an event at a hangar is not a good idea, think again.

Reach out to us and we’ll tell you all about it. 

Something Extra

Mokes at private jet hangar event
Mokes have become very popular . They are eye catching. We have found that Moke dealers love to put them on display at events, And guess, what they'll pay you. Just another fun thing to put at an event
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